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Succession planning/ Wills.

Succession planning/ Wills

Many a time it is found that the concepts of Estate and Succession planning used interchangeably as a plan for one's inheritance needs. From a more technical perspective, Estate Planning refers to the assets in an individual's estate including any ownership interests that he/she may have closely held in the business, thereby effectuating an intergenerational transfer of family legacy. Succession Planning, on the other hand, relates directly to the actual business, putting a structure in place for continuity of the business, planning the next-in-line successors and finally handing over the business to the deserving ones.

Wealth and businesses take years or may be generations, for families to build, set up and run. Taking concrete steps to protect this family wealth/ business from changing times, evolving laws and the conflicts of successive generations, is a necessity and we help you achieve that.

A will is a legal document that sets forth your wishes regarding the distribution of your wealth, assets including the properties and care of minor children, if any. If you die without a will, those wishes may not be carried out by others in the family. Further, your family members/ heirs may end up spending time, energy, money and suffer emotionally to settle these things after you're gone. A will, officially known as a last will and testament can come handy in resolving this problem.